Stay tuned for our next ICEDA activities


Events in June 2022

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
30 May 2022
31 May 2022
1 June 2022(1 event)

5:30 pm: Épisode #1 du balado «DisruPtED»

1 June 2022

Le Comité de la relève du CIAPE diffusera en direct le premier épisode de leur balado «DisruPtED». L'objectif de leur émission de radio est de vulgariser l'enjeu des perturbateurs endocriniens.
Diffusion prévue: 1 juin à 17h30 (HE)


“DisruPtED” Podcast Episode #1
The Training Committee of ICEDA will broadcast live the first episode of their "DisruPtED" podcast. The objective of their radio program is to popularize the issue of endocrine disruptors.
Scheduled broadcast: June 1st at 5:30 pm. (ET)

2 June 2022
3 June 2022
4 June 2022
5 June 2022
6 June 2022(1 event)

12:00 pm: Education for Action - Workshop #2

6 June 2022

2e Atelier interactif en ligne pour les membres du CIAPE. Organisé par le Comité des relations gouvernementales, compte tenu des révisions en cours des politiques de réglementation des produits chimiques.

Découvrez le rôle de la science dans la réglementation des produits chimiques aux États-Unis, dans l'UE et au Japon

Venez interagir avec des experts ayant une expérience significative dans ces juridictions !

Pour en savoir plus et s'inscrire, cliquer ici.


2nd Online Workshop for ICEDA Members. Organized by the Government Relations Committee, given the ongoing revisions of critical chemicals regulation policies

Learn about the role of science in chemicals regulation in the US, the EU and Japan

Come interact with experts with long-term experience of science for chemicals policy in these jurisdictions!

To know more and register, click here.

7 June 2022(1 event)

12:00 pm: Media Training 101

7 June 2022

Formation – Interactions avec les médias

Formation de 1 heure en ligne, ouverte à toutes et à tous.

Cette formation enseigne les nuances de la communication des sciences de la santé environnementale aux médias et autres publics. Nous nous concentrons sur le partage des résultats de recherche tout en protégeant la crédibilité scientifique. Les scientifiques gagnent en confiance en apprenant comment les journalistes aborderont les reportages de leur science. Nous fournissons également des conseils tactiques pour les entretiens avec les médias et proposons les meilleures pratiques pour communiquer l’incertitude inhérente à la science.

Pour en savoir plus et s'inscrire, cliquer ici.


Media Training 101

1 hour online training open to all

This training teaches the nuances of communicating environmental health science to the media and other public audiences. We focus on delivery of key research findings while protecting scientific credibility. Scientists gain confidence as they learn how reporters will approach reporting on their science. We also provide tactical guidance for media interviews, and offer best practices for communicating uncertainty that is inherent in good science.

To read more and register, click here.

8 June 2022
9 June 2022
10 June 2022
11 June 2022
12 June 2022
13 June 2022
14 June 2022
15 June 2022(1 event)

12:00 pm: Media Training 101

15 June 2022

Formation – Interactions avec les médias

Formation de 1 heure en ligne, ouverte à toutes et à tous.

Cette formation enseigne les nuances de la communication des sciences de la santé environnementale aux médias et autres publics. Nous nous concentrons sur le partage des résultats de recherche tout en protégeant la crédibilité scientifique. Les scientifiques gagnent en confiance en apprenant comment les journalistes aborderont les reportages de leur science. Nous fournissons également des conseils tactiques pour les entretiens avec les médias et proposons les meilleures pratiques pour communiquer l’incertitude inhérente à la science.

Pour en savoir plus et s'inscrire, cliquer ici.


Media Training 101

1 hour online training open to all

This training teaches the nuances of communicating environmental health science to the media and other public audiences. We focus on delivery of key research findings while protecting scientific credibility. Scientists gain confidence as they learn how reporters will approach reporting on their science. We also provide tactical guidance for media interviews, and offer best practices for communicating uncertainty that is inherent in good science.

To read more and register, click here.

16 June 2022(1 event)

11:00 am: Media Training 101

16 June 2022

Formation – Interactions avec les médias

Formation de 1 heure en ligne, ouverte à toutes et à tous.

Cette formation enseigne les nuances de la communication des sciences de la santé environnementale aux médias et autres publics. Nous nous concentrons sur le partage des résultats de recherche tout en protégeant la crédibilité scientifique. Les scientifiques gagnent en confiance en apprenant comment les journalistes aborderont les reportages de leur science. Nous fournissons également des conseils tactiques pour les entretiens avec les médias et proposons les meilleures pratiques pour communiquer l’incertitude inhérente à la science.

Pour en savoir plus et s'inscrire, cliquer ici.


Media Training 101

1 hour online training open to all

This training teaches the nuances of communicating environmental health science to the media and other public audiences. We focus on delivery of key research findings while protecting scientific credibility. Scientists gain confidence as they learn how reporters will approach reporting on their science. We also provide tactical guidance for media interviews, and offer best practices for communicating uncertainty that is inherent in good science.

To read more and register, click here.

17 June 2022
18 June 2022
19 June 2022
20 June 2022
21 June 2022
22 June 2022
23 June 2022
24 June 2022
25 June 2022
26 June 2022
27 June 2022
28 June 2022
29 June 2022
30 June 2022
1 July 2022
2 July 2022
3 July 2022


ICEDA’s mission is to promote collaboration between its members and the training of highly qualified personnel, and also an effective platform between the academic world, decision-makers and the general population. To carry out this mission, various scientific activities are planned. 

Conferences given by members, guest speakers and students, as well as presentations by the group’s various governance committees.


Presentations from members, student members and guest speakers which will be broadcast live on the web to allow participation of all members and collaborators of the network. These webinars will provide both a better understanding of the expertise of members, but will also contribute to the training of students.


Presentations from members, student members and guest speakers which will be broadcast live on the web to allow participation of all members and collaborators of the network. These webinars will provide both a better understanding of the expertise of members, but will also contribute to the training of students.

About endocrine disruptors.


Will be available on the web and which we will offer to different organizations working in the field.


In order to inform the Quebec population.


Symposiums, conferences, financing and workshops thanks to links maintained with other groups whose interests complement ours.