ICEDA includes the following categories of members:

Regular Member

A regular member is a scientist in the academic or governmental sector with research interests in endocrine disruptors, and contributing to the advancement of the scientific program and/or the training program of ICEDA. These members have the right to vote and have access to all activities, scholarships and grant programs offered by ICEDA.

Post-doctoral and Student Member

Post-doctoral fellows and students who work on a regular member’s team and study endocrine disruptors are automatically accepted as post-doctoral and student members. Post-doctoral fellows and students working on endocrine disruptors, but in laboratories where supervisors are not members, may submit an application to be evaluated by the Executive Committee. Post-doctoral and student members have the right to vote and have access to all activities, scholarships and grant programs offered by ICEDA. Upon completion of their studies, they may apply as a regular member.


A collaborator is a private sector scientist or a NPO scientist with research interests in endocrine disruptors, and contributing to the advancement of the scientific and/or training program of ICEDA. Collaborator may attend the annual general meeting but cannot vote and hold an elected position.

Emeritus Member

An emeritus member is a scientist from the academic or governmental sector who has retired from active work in endocrine disruptor research. These members contribute to the advancement of the scientific program and/or the training program of ICEDA. These members have the right to vote and have access to all the activities offered by ICEDA.

Partner Organization

The organization is actively involved in research on endocrine disruptors. Organizations wishing to become partners should contact the Executive Committee and show that they are either a NPO or a learned society. They must also send their logo and agree to share ICEDA logo on their website.